Thursday, November 3, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011


this is a video i made for my dear friend Brit Smith of ELKIN. 
thank you Allison Baar for being my lovely model.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

new ones

it's a funny thing when you don't remember whether you're shooting black & white or color.

gotta start labeling my cameras

catching and missing moments

Thursday, June 30, 2011

the end of some wonderful things

i feel like i've been in denial about losing our lease on the garfield building.
i suppose all good things come to an end

but for those that aren't familiar with it or don't live in slc
my studio and an art center that cara and i founded and curated
as well as an amazing youth art program
were housed in an abandoned building on the east side of town 

come july we have to move on from it
breaks my heart
breaks my heart in two

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

looking for the forgotten

digging through some photos from Berlin.

night walks and bicycle crashes and wine for lunch and beer for dinner and art and history
and of course, my Cara

my time in Salt Lake City is always so wonderful
but i'm beginning to feel anxious about my wonderful time away from Salt Lake City too

time passes differently in the town you're most familiar with

Monday, May 30, 2011

it's a photo go

my friend Tj encourages my photography the most.

i'm no photographer, but i'll try harder to post
the ones i take
out and about
stop and go

the in-between time

i have a dear friend in LA named Brit Smith. 
or as i know her, The Black Heart
she is an amazing person full of adventurous stories

she makes lovely clothing with her sister, Kara, under their company

I just finished shooting a fashion video for her
now, the editing begins

you can see her collection at:

Monday, May 2, 2011

book proof in hand on floor

the proof arrived and the real deal will be here next tuesday.
just in time to have a mighty fine party
may 14, 6-9pm
kayo gallery

if you haven't yet caught my show, do please yes come down

this way before that way

end of the first semester, two more to go.

for whatever reason i've always gone about things backwards
i dropped out of college to start a gallery, an art magazine, an art center, and an art career
and now i'm going back to college to finally get my undergraduate art degree

now after i wrote and directed a feature film
i just got around to taking intro to film and a screenwriting class
kind of foolish i guess

Monday, April 25, 2011

fingers crossed

proof should be here on wednesday.
i'll be so happy if there are no mistakes or problems
may 14th is creeping up fast

i do cherish these collaborations
but it's always a relief to be done and ready to celebrate

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

no time for slippin'

there is this strange period that i usually go through after finishing a big project.
i think it's a common thing
a lull
temporary depression
but this is the first time i don't have it
i think i'm actually too busy to come down
moving from one project to the next

the book needs to be to the printer by thursday 
and then back to my long list of projects


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

open doors

gallery opening over.
exciting as always
different from when i owned the gallery, but change is necessary i suppose

figuring out where i want to go next with some things
i think i'll stop painting for a while
my patience is short
dunno why
drawing, video, and sculpture has an immediacy i'm enjoying

happy with the show anyway

book coming soon!